Prepare Your Home for Winter

5 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Fall brings colder weather, hot chocolate, and autumnal festivities. It is also a sign that colder winter weather is just around the corner. What do you need to do to prepare your home for winter?

Preparing your house for winter will avoid any issues with your home during the colder weather. Insulating your windows will help keep the cold air out. Checking your furnace and cleaning your ducts will help provide the maximum amount of heat to your home. Checking your roof and clearing your downspouts will help clear any melted snow away from your home during the spring thaw. 

Below we will look at five tips to help your home make it through the winter. This article have advised you to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Insulating your Windows

Insulating your windows will help reduce the drafts in your home and help keep your energy cost throughout the winter lower. It will help keep your home comfortable when the winter winds are blowing outside. Applying shrink film over your windows will help seal off any drafts around them and keep the warm air inside your house and the cold air outside. 

If you do not want to cover your entire window with a plastic sheet, you can add weather stripping or rope caulk to help fill any gaps you find in the windows. The weather stripping will not interfere with the operation of the window. The rope caulk is easily removed at the end of the winter season when the weather starts getting warmer. 

A draft snake can also be used on your windows or the bottom of your doors. It is a foam tube that has a washable cover over it and is slid under the door or shut under the window to help stop any drafts that may be coming from under them. 

Furnace Inspection 

By the time winter comes along it may have been months since the last time your furnace was called on to heat your house. You should take an opportunity every fall to inspect your furnace. Any build-up in your furnace can cause it to be less efficient and even become a fire risk. 

If you do not believe you are able to check your furnace or clean it properly. You should contact the professionals. Morris Jenkins offers a safety check to ensure your furnace is operating properly. 

Cleaning your Air Ducts

When you are concentrating on your furnace, do not forget to inspect and clean the air ducts. These can often be forgotten about but dirty and clogged air ducts can make your furnace work harder to clean your home. Cleaning your ducts will ensure your furnace can easily supply warm air to every part of your home. 

Inspect your Roof 

You should inspect your roof before the first snowflake falls to ensure there are no missing shingles, cracks, or damage that will need to be taken care of. Unrepaired issues with your roof can cause water to seep into and expand. When it becomes frozen leaving you with bigger damage to attend to in the spring.

Cleaning your Gutters and Downspouts 

You should also clear any debris in your gutters and downspouts before the first winter freeze sets in. This debris can hold water and the freeze-thaw cycle can cause damage to your roof or gutters. Clean and clear gutters will ensure the thawing snow will be directed away from your home during the spring thaw. 


Insulating your windows, inspecting your furnace, cleaning your ductwork. And performing any necessary repairs to your roof. And cleaning your gutters will help ensure your home is prepared for the colder temperatures of winter. 

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