How to Get Rid of Mold Under Kitchen Cabinets

How to Get Rid of Mold Under Kitchen Cabinets

How to Get Rid of Mold Under Kitchen Cabinets. Mold can be a difficult thing to remove but doesn’t have to be. Here are some mold removal tips that will help you get rid of it once and for all. Mold grows in damp, dark areas, so the first step is to make sure your cabinets are dry and well-lit. Once this is done, clean the area with a solution of one part bleach and 10 parts water. Scrub the area with a stiff brush or wet vacuum. Let it dry completely before replacing cabinet doors or trim panels. For added protection, consider applying a sealant product like Zinsser’s BIN Primer to surfaces near the moldy area. It’s also important to monitor any areas that might become damp or dark for new mold growth.

Preventing Mold Growth

The best way to prevent mold from developing is by making sure the area stays dry and well-lit. When this is done, you can clean the area with a solution of bleach and water. This will kill any remaining mold spores that may be present. It’s also important to monitor the area for any signs of condensation, which would mean more mold growth. If you find new mold, you’ll need to remove it before it spreads.

Removing Existing Mold

How to Get Rid of Mold Under Kitchen Cabinets. To remove existing mold, mix one-part bleach with 10 parts of water. Spray the surface and let it sit for five minutes before scrubbing. Rinse off the bleach solution with clean water. The bleach should kill any mold spores that remain on the surface.

How to Find the Mold

If you suspect mold is growing in your kitchen cabinets, you should find the source of the mold. Sometimes it can be as easy as checking your dishwasher or washing machine for leaks, but other times it might require a more thorough inspection. In some cases, mold can grow on the underside of cabinet doors if there’s moisture from leaks or condensation that accumulates in the door. If this is the case, remove the door and check for signs of mold growth on the interior side of the door. It’s also important to inspect any areas where water could leak into cabinets and collect – like an appliance that sits underneath a cabinet or pipes that cross behind a wall near your cabinets.

How to Clean the Mold

There are a few methods, depending on the severity of the mold. If the mold is mild and only in an area or two, you can use a solution of one part bleach and 10 parts water to clean it. You’ll also want to scrub with a stiff brush or wet vacuum, then let it dry completely before replacing cabinet doors or trim panels for added protection.

If there’s more severe mold growth, you’ll need to hire a professional cleaning service that uses biocide-based products like chlorine dioxide and hydrogen peroxide.  These products are able to break down the mold spores more deeply than bleach alone, which means they’re much more effective at killing all of the mold spores. They’re also less likely to cause irritation to your respiratory system if aerosolized during application.

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Know where to Find Mold

Mold can grow anywhere, but it typically needs a moist environment to do so. Mold can live in your home, on your clothes, or in the air outside. It’s important to know where to look for mold and how to get rid of it.

Seal the Area to Protect Against Future Mold Growth

To help prevent future mold growth, it’s important to seal the area. One of the most effective ways to do this is with a sealant product like Zinsser’s BIN Primer. It protects against new mold growth by sealing in moisture and excess humidity. The primer will also create an anti-bacterial barrier that inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungus in your kitchen cabinet spaces.

Why Mold Grows

Mold isn’t just an eyesore, it can be dangerous to your health. Mold grows in dark, moist areas where there is lots of moisture and ventilation. This makes the kitchen one of the most common places for mold to grow. There are several reasons why mold would grow under cabinets in a kitchen:  –  The area is dark and damp, so it’s easy for mold to grow.  –  When you clean dishes, food can drip down and give the area more moisture.  –  If you have spilled something on the floor or onto some cabinets, then any water that gets on those surfaces will also give mold more of a chance to grow.

It’s best if you can remove the source of moisture that is causing the mold growth before you tackle removing it. One suggestion is to install a dehumidifier in your home near any wet areas where mold could thrive. You should also regularly clean up spills promptly and make sure that your cabinets are dry before closing doors back up again.

How to Get Rid of Mold

Mold can be a difficult thing to remove but doesn’t have to be. Here are some mold removal tips that will help you get rid of it once and for all. Mold grows in damp, dark areas, so the first step is to make sure your cabinets are dry and well-lit. Once this is done, clean the area with a solution of one part bleach and 10 parts water. Scrub the area with a stiff brush or wet vacuum. Let it dry completely before replacing cabinet doors or trim panels. For added protection, consider applying a sealant product like Zinsser’s BIN Primer to surfaces near the moldy area. It’s also important to monitor any areas that might become damp or dark for new mold growth.

How to Remove Mold

How to Get Rid of Mold Under Kitchen Cabinets. Mold is normally found in dark, damp places. There are many ways to remove mold, but the most effective way is to clean the surface with bleach and water. You can also apply a sealant product like Zinsser’s Bin Primer which is an antimicrobial. Make sure you monitor any areas that might become damp or dark for new mold growth.


Mold is naturally present in our environment, but when it starts to grow in your home it can be both a health hazard and a major household eye-sore.

Mold needs three things to grow: moisture, a food source, and an area for reproduction. For this reason, it’s important to do things like making sure that your house is well ventilated in order to prevent excess moisture from building up and to make sure that leaky pipes or water from the washing machine aren’t dripping into any porous areas of the floor.

If you do find mold growing on your cabinets, be sure to scrub it off with a solution of bleach and water, then seal the area with an appropriate sealant so it doesn’t come back.

Better yet, keep mold from growing in the first place by following these simple tips!

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